Australian Radio School has a range of courses available designed to help teach those who are wanting to get into the radio and broadcast industry.
Introduction to radio
This 12 week part-time course is an introduction to every aspect of radio with a major focus on announcing.
Students spend time in the modern studios of SAFM and Triple M.
Podcast workshop
This weekend workshop is focussed on helping you find your podcast point of difference. From the idea, to the content, to the way you promote it.
Hosted at SAFM Adelaide.
Master class radio training
A 4-week extension to the Introduction to Radio course. Master Class Radio focuses on advanced announcing – specifically working in on air teams.
You’ll learn how the experts create content and execute it within a team environment.
Voiceover workshop
Learn the art of voiceovers during a one and a half-day workshop with Eddie Bye from Nova 919.
This course culminates in the recording of professionally produced demo mp3.
Course schedule
Introduction to radio
January, May and August for 12 weeks on Tuesday evenings 630pm - 845pm.
Podcast workshop
Weekends in Feb, June and September
Master class radio training
November for 4 weeks on Monday & Tuesday evening 7pm - 9pm.
Voiceover workshop
February, May, August and November over a weekend (1.5 days) 9am - 5pm on Saturday. 3 hours on Sunday

Our courses
Frequently asked questions
Does it matter that I have no experience in radio?
Could I be a radio star?
Is Australian Radio School (or ARS) right for me?